DHQ+ 2.0

Ease. Energy. Balance in every cell.
  • Вес: 80 г
  • Габариты: 9 × 6 × 6 см
  • Количество: 60 capsules of 300mg
  • Состав в 1 целлюлозной капсуле
  • Дигидрокверцетин
  • Пребиотик арабиногалактан
  • Экстракт боярышника
  • Цинк пиколинат
  • Хром хелат

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Last autumn we came up with the idea to create this supplement.

Physicians all over the world have started introducing into treatment protocols: quercetin, dihydroquercetin, zinc, and a number of other formulations. We got interested in the combination of DHQ + zinc, and here is the result.

DHQ+ 2.0 combination contains five synergistic components, and their effect is several times stronger than if they are taken separately:

  1. Monocrystalline Dihydroquercetin (also known as Taxifolin).

It is the strongest natural bioflavonoid from Siberian Larch; it refers to the polyphenols and has P-vitamin activity. Dihydroquercetin is a strong antioxidant, cardio- and capillary protector, hepatoprotector. It regulates and balances the functioning of the major body systems.

  1. Arabinogalactan

It is a polysaccharide, a natural prebiotic from Siberian Larch. It is a source of dietary fiber for our gastrointestinal microbiota, thus strengthens the immune system, stimulates the growth and activity of normal intestinal microflora, contributes to the digestion of food, removes toxins from the body, promotes faster recovery during and after illness.

  1. Russian Hawthorn extract

It is a natural source of vitamin C and the strongest adaptogen. It enhances the effect of Dihydroquercetin, as well as improves and revitalizes functioning of the nervous system, vegetative system, reduces anxiety and panic attacks.

  1. Zinc (chelated)

It is an essential micronutrient; it is difficult to overestimate its importance in the work of the immune system. Zinc is also a vital component of 300 enzymes responsible for protein, antibody, and DNA synthesis. It regulates metabolism, pancreatic activity, and insulin production. It stimulates muscle growth and recovery, tissue healing, and is essential for the right sense of taste and smell. Zinc is also responsible for reproductive functions – testosterone production, sperm and egg maturation, preventing the development of inflammation and prostate tumors among men.

  1. Chromium (chelated)

It is a conductor for insulin receptors. It ensures that glucose reaches the cells faster and is transformed into energy, does not accumulate in the form of fat deposits and does not result in high sugar levels. It is responsible for proper fat metabolism and tissue regeneration, normalizes the thyroid gland and the immune system functioning.

Zinc and chromium in chelated form are more easily ingested, do not cause gastrointestinal irritation and side effects such as nausea, and give a faster effect compared to other forms.

The way DHQ+ 2.0 capsule works

Each of the five components is activated in turn so that the combination works at the cellular level.

First, the capsule dissolves in the stomach and the components reach the intestinal tract. This is where Arabinogalactan is activated. It feeds beneficial bacteria making it easier for DHQ, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Chromium to pass through the intestinal wall, get into the blood plasma, and move with the blood flow to the intercellular space.

On the way, DHQ and vitamin C release free radicals – molecules that have been damaged by poor environmental conditions, improper nutrition, illness, increased physical activity, and stress. DHQ catches the damaged molecules, and Vitamin C removes them from the body. Together, they neutralize far more “damaged ” particles than they do individually, and they quickly rebalance in favor of the healthy molecules.

Supplement Facts

Amount per 1 capsule of 300 mg:

cellulose fiber capsule

monocrystalline dihydroquercetin 50 mg

Other ingredients 250 mg

Larch arabinogalactan – prebiotic, polysaccharide

Russian hawthorn extract – a source of vitamin C, an adaptogen.

Less than 200 mcg

zinc sulfate (chelated), chromium (chelated)


Recommended Use.

As a preventive measure:

Adults: take 1 capsule 2 times daily before meals, with water. DHQ+2.0 can also be taken subglossally regardless of meals.

Dosage for children is prescribed by the attending physician individually.

At the first signs of disease. During disease exacerbation. During remission:

Adults: take 1 capsule 3-5 times daily before meals. DHQ+2.0 can also be taken subglossally regardless of meals.

Dosage for children is prescribed by the attending physician.

The duration of usage should be at least 3 months for the desired effect. DHQ+ 2.0 can be taken on a regular basis.

No side effects have been reported after taking the product.


Caution: for those taking anticoagulants and antiaggregants, please consult a doctor before use.

Contraindications: individual intolerance; arterial hypotension of 110/70 and below; pregnant and lactating women.

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